So I Started A Blog

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for several years now. Enough people have mentioned it enough times that the idea has been bouncing around in my head nearly constantly. I delayed for a full year because I couldn’t think of a name; I delayed another few months because I didn’t think the world needed another blog or that anyone would read it. I finally decided that this blog is primarily for me, so I’m putting my name on it and charging forward.

The truth is that I don’t particularly want to be a Blogger or an Influencer. I don't want to quit my day job. I don’t want to spend my time planning Follow Fridays, giveaways, and sponsored trips. I don’t want to style my food instead of eating it. I don’t want to spend my trips planning content. I’m glad there are people who do that! There are so many blogs I love and have benefitted from over the years. But none of that is my goal here; I don’t want to blog instead of doing my work as a designer.

What I do want is to share bits of my life with people who, for their own reasons, find me interesting or trustworthy. I want a place to share the recipes I’ve developed, recommendations for products I love, bits of trip planning, and maybe some design content. I want a place to post longer, more thoughtful pieces of my writing, even if I’m the only one who reads them (why can I not just be a person who writes in a journal?). And, if I’m being honest, I get so much joy out of connecting with my followers on Instagram that I want more of them. Whether I’m talking to someone I haven’t seen since high school or someone I met on Instagram, it absolutely thrills me to have those conversations. When someone messages me that they tried and loved one of my recipes, I get excited. When someone slides into my DMs to ask for a product recommendation, I feel proud that they trust me (and just being real: I wouldn’t mind getting a few pennies from an affiliate link if they buy it).

This blog will be about a life thoughtfully and intentionally built. It's about home, wherever that is. It’s about comfort and contentment. It’s about growth and compassion. It’s about my marriage. It’s about food. It’s about design. It’s about introverts traveling. It’s about whatever I want it to be that week.

So here it goes. Welcome to the very beginning of what will definitely be an irregularly updated blog. I hope you’ll join me for the journey. I’m so glad you’re here.


One Week in Tulum