Alyssa Hakanson

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Wish List: Upgrade Your Life

I like to say “I’m not a minimalist, but I tend that direction.” To my family, that translates pretty neatly into “I am a pain in the butt to shop for.”

My love language isn’t gifts, so when someone asks me what I want, my usual response is “I don’t need anything.” Yes, I am the worst, but it’s true! You could give me a hand-written note of the things you like about me, and I’ll walk on sunshine all week! It’s not that I don’t like presents, it’s just that I don’t generally have a running list in my head of the things I’d like. But this year (to be less annoying), I made a list. I realized halfway through that it was mostly upgrades: a version of something useful that’s beautiful or especially well-made that I probably wouldn’t purchase for myself. If something is intentional, beautiful, and high-quality, I’ll probably love it forever or at least until it falls to pieces in my hands.

So here’s my list for me, but maybe also for you? I’m throwing in a few other upgrades that we’ve recently made that I think you’ll love too.

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